Our Services-PEST Consultants

PEST Consultants

Our Services

Training and Assessment

Professional Educational Support and Technical (PEST) Consultants ( now proud partners of CQ ProTrain) offer a range of genuine off-the-shelf and tailor-madeOur Services 3 workplace coaching, training and assessment packages to enable successful participants to register for their Pest Management Occupational License through their local state or territory licensing authority.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
We also provide coaching/mentoring support and RPL Assessment to potential Pest Managers where their underpinning/workplace knowledge and skills can be demonstrated to be at a sufficient level which will enable them to be assessed under this criteria.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is also known as Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC).  See the RPL page for more information.

GENERAL PESTS - Pest Management Training Program
CPPUPM3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides, CPPUPM3006 Manage pests by applying pesticides and CPPUPM3018 Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles, the core Units of Competency required for Licensing within the Pest Management Industry.

TIMBER PESTS - Pest Management Training Program
CPPUPM3008 Inspect for and report on timber pests and CPPUPM3010 Control timber pests, the core Units of Competency required for Timber Pest Licensing within the Pest Management Industry. The additional Unit CPPUPM3042 Install physical termite barrier is also offered for those who have the necessary experience.

Pest Management – Trade Qualifications
ProTrain offers Training and/or Assessment in all Units of Competency relating to CPP30115 Certificate III in Urban Pest Management.

Go to  List of Competency Units

Certificate IV is no longer offered as a Pest Management qualification option.  If you would like a Certificate IV qualification we recommend that you look at the Certificate IV in small business as an option.


ProTrain is positioned to assist Pest Management technicians extend and develop additional and industry recognised Pest Management skills.Our Services 1


We believe business success hinges on the ability of Professional Pest Management Technicians to provide a level of knowledge and service well ahead of your industry competitors.  Any business will benefit directly from increased levels of Pest Management knowledge and expertise as confident and knowledgeable Pest Managers naturally build confidence within their client base.


Please refer to the Trade Qualifications section for more information relating to individual details of Certificate III Units of Competency.
Pest Management – Consultancy
ProTrain offers a complete range of Professional Consultancy Services including the preparation of site reports and professional quotation and report templates for your domestic and commercial clients.
Fumigation Training & Assessments
Our sister organisation Fumigation Training and Consulting (FTCS) Services is an accredited trainerOur Services 2 and provider of assessments in CPPUPM3011 Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments and is an approved provider of Fumigation Training, Accreditation and Gap-Audit services for the Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service (AQIS) in Australia and to the Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme (AFAS) currently operating in several overseas countries.
For more information relating the products and services offered by FTCS relating to fumigation activities please check the page on Fumigation Training and check our web site at http://www.ftcs.net.au


A Certificate of Attainment in any of the National Competency Units is eligible for up to 40 Industry CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Points.