Licence Training-PEST Consultants

PEST Consultants

Nationally Recognised Training & Educational Services

GENERAL PESTS - Pest Management Training Program
CPPUPM3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides, CPPUPM3006 Manage pests by applying pesticides and CPPUPM3018 Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles, the core Units of Competency required for Licensing within the Pest Management Industry.

TIMBER PESTS - Pest Management Training Program
CPPUPM3008 Inspect for and report on timber pests and CPPUPM3010 Control timber pests, the core Units of Competency required for Timber Pest Licensing within the Pest Management Industry. The additional Unit CPPUPM3042 Install physical termite barrier is also offered for those who have the necessary experience.

To find out when our next course is, click here.


QLD Health Pest Management Link - for requirements, application forms and further information

What is your Answer?

Do you wish to:Lic_Train_3

  • Change careers
  • Have your current skills recognised
  • Return to the Pest Management industry
  • Apply for a promotion
  • Improve your job security


If you answered Yes to any of the questions then you need to contact the team at ProTrain.

ProTrain offer training and assessment (including Recognition of Prior Learning – RPL assessments) in the following:

The units of competency required to meet various state licensing requirements for a Pest Management Technician Licence, not including timber pests are:Lic_Train_1

CPPUPM3005:    Manage pests without applying pesticides
CPPUPM3006:    Manage pests by applying pesticides
CPPUPM3018:    Maintain an equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles

Units 5, 6 & 18 are required by all Australian legislative authorities when making application for a Pest Management Occupational Licence, plus

CPPUPM3010:    Control timber pests
CPPUPM3008:    Inspect for and report on timber pests

Units 8 and 10 are also required by Qld Dept of Health as an endorsement on a Pest Management Technician’s licence prior to a technician undertaking timber pest inspections and/ or timber pest management activities. 

Your insurer will also normally require this endorsement if you undertake timber pest activities.

Businesses operators or individuals acting as sub-contractors will also require units 8 and 10 in addition to 5, 6 and 18 when making application for a Queensland Building & Construction Commission (QBCC - formally QBSA) Licence when undertaking timber pest activities in Queensland. The QBCC requires a licence if organisations or individuals are undertaking timber Lic_Train_4pest inspections, treatments and/or are offering advice on timber pests in Queensland.

Go to Useful Links for further information on QBCC requirements and licensing information.

 offer Training and/or Assessment in the Certificate III Units of Competency relating to Pest Management 

CPP30115 (Certificate III in Urban Pest Management) is a nationally recognised trade qualification.  To achieve recognition at Certificate III level, the candidate must demonstrate competency in all 9 core units plus 4 elective units (total of 13 units).    Details of Certificate III Units of Competency to assess your options   Units of Competency

These services are offered to individuals or groups, in your workplace or ours.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your individual or organisational requirements.

A Certificate of Attainment in any of the National Competency Units is eligible for up to 40 Industry CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Points.

The team at ProTrain can adapt most programs to meet the individual needs of both you and your organisation.